My in-laws 50th wedding anniversary was the 19th! Since, they married in the 50's my 3 sisters-in-laws and I decided to throw a Sock Hop style bash! We had great fun decorating and getting all the good foods done and I might add, it was a HUGE success!

My s-i-l, K-woman (not to be confused with K-girl) created a wonderful "Memories" book and had been working on it for a while now. She had been "sneaking" into town whenever my in-laws were out of town and we spent the time foraging through my m-i-laws keepsake boxes. I worked on the pages for Andy, K-girl, and T-man which went into the book by birthdates. I even managed to find the very first Valentine's card (with envelope) Andy sent to his dad while he was stationed on a battleship in WWII. I then found lots of great pics of he and his dad and he and his mom. I think the pages turned out really nice. But, I will have to include pics as soon as I can get copies of them up. Of course, my s-i-l, K-woman has been providing CDs of them growing up for the past few Christmas', which really helped in getting pics for the book!
Then, Thanksgiving hit! Wow, it's been a whilrwind of activity for the past few weeks and I still can't slow down! Christmas is coming and so far, I haven't managed to buy hardly anything! See, I've also been sick for the past month with this sinus/throat/lung thingy that I just can't seem to shake! I even went so far as going to the Dr. for shots (and anyone who knows me knows I HATE shots!!!) of antibiotics and steriods to assist with getting it gone, but, alas no such luck! This bug is holding on tight!
I will try to get some of these cool pics of the party up over the next few days.
Till then.....
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